What Is a Top 1% Diamond Invisalign Provider?

Did you know that Invisalign providers are arranged by tiers? The most experienced receive a Top 1% Diamond Invisalign Provider rating. If you want the best service possible, choose a Top 1% Diamond Invisalign Provider.

What Is a Top 1% Diamond Invisalign Provider?

To be a Top 1% Diamond Invisalign Provider, the orthodontist must see at least 200 patients each year for Invisalign. The orthodontist must also have provided at least 800 patients with Invisalign throughout his or her career. When you choose a Top 1% Diamond Invisalign Provider, you know you are going to someone who has experience.

Other Provider Ratings

Just how much more experience does a Diamond Invisalign Provider have compared to other providers? The next step down is the Elite Provider. This provider must treat at least 100 patients a year with Invisalign and have treated at least 300 patients throughout his or her career. That’s a lot less than a Top 1% Diamond Invisalign Provider. Premiere Providers are the next step down. These providers must treat at least 50 patients a year. Then, Preferred Providers must treat at least 10 patients a year.

Why Experience Matters

You might think going to a Top 1% Diamond Invisalign Provider isn’t important, but experience is critical. A Top 1% Diamond Invisalign Provider understands which alignment issues will respond to Invisalign and which won’t. A Top 1% Diamond Invisalign Provider also knows how to alter treatment to get the desired results. A top provider even knows how to use the best technology to get the right results. If you want straight teeth, it makes sense to go to a Top 1% Diamond Invisalign Provider.

Visit a Diamond Invisalign Provider Today

Dr. Holt only needed to work on 800 Invisalign cases to be a Diamond Provider, but he’s well exceeded that. He’s worked on 2,000 cases throughout his career, and he is ready to help you achieve a straight smile. Contact Holt Orthodontics online or call one of our three offices. Call our Folsom office at (916) 983-5321, our Sacramento office at (916) 481-6424, or our Roseville office at (916) 786-8292.